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Congresswoman Lauren "Just a Shot Away" Boebert May Have Confused Her Tinfoil Shawl With Her Tinfoil Hat, But That's Just One Reason She Is the BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite of the Week

May 3, 2021

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Special to BuzzFlash by Mark Karlin

Lauren Boebert being elected to Congress in the same freshman class as Marjorie Taylor Green is like watching two clowns shot out of a cannon into a toxic waste dump. They may be laughable, but they are pernicious, racist and dangerous performative artists who pollute the body politic.

There is nothing hypocritical in Boebert’s never having graduated from high school (although she did eventually get a GED a few months before her election), or for her having her wait staff (including her) carry holstered guns at her infamous “Shooters” Restaurant in her hometown, and you can’t make this stuff up, of Rifle, Colorado. However, when she refused to show up for court appearances due to minor run ins with the law, it kind of makes her “Blue Lives Matter” shtick ring a bit hollow.

It wasn’t until 2021, after her upset win in the GOP primary against an incumbent supported by Trump and just before her election to a safe Republican seat, that she finished off paying more than $20,000 in liens that she owed the state of Colorado, again indicating that she’s not entirely compliant with the law. The payoff of the liens coincided with her suspiciously high reimbursement of $21,000 for gas from her campaign account.

So, it was clearly hypocritical, as well as burrowing fully down the Republican tin foil hat rabbit hole, that she announced at a March Town Hall meeting that the Republicans, per a Qanon prediction, would retake Congress as a result of Democratic “arrests.”

And it was super-hypocritical that she urged the January 6 insurrectionists on with a morning tweet of “Today is 1776,” as well as copiously calling them “patriots” and being accused of leading a group of them on a highly unusual tour of the Capitol the day before the invasion (although this has not yet been proven beyond a reasonable doubt). Like Trump and many of her anti-democratic Republican colleagues she perennially confuses the American Revolutionary War with the start of the Civil War by the Southern states.

Democratic Congressman Jason Crow, also from Colorado, chided Boebert on her efforts to erode democracy:

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Boebert, like her Best Buddies, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Matt Gaetz, among others, are really performative politicians who don’t give a whit about legislating. They are savvy at taking advantage of social media and taking shocking positions that build their brand and help them to rake in the cash. They also synergistically use right wing media to sling shot them past discussion of public policy right into the bonfire of cultural wars. Cha-ching, Cha-ching.

Ah, so much more can be said of Boebert’s hypocrisy, but her performance last Wednesday, when President Biden gave his transformative speech to a COVID-pared down Joint Session of Congress, included her tweeting more than 30 disparaging comments about Biden while she hauled out a space blanket, the kind that Trump used for minors detained by ICE — and temporarily used by the Biden administration as they need time to upgrade transitional care — was the piece de resistance of Boebert hypocrisy.

After all, if the foil “blankets” evoke mistreatment of minors, isn’t Trump, who had children ripped from their parents, the one that Boebert is reminding us of? How can you draw attention to Biden’s acceptance of unaccompanied minors, when Trump did everything possible to send them back to harrowing circumstances south of the border? Aw, maybe she could use the foil for cooking a turkey she shoots for a Thanksgiving Qanon celebration with “the January 6 patriots.”

As BuzzFlash pointed out in its recent “BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite of the Week Award” to Marjorie Taylor Greene, Greene joined Boebert “to be one of only two members of the House (415-2 tally) to vote against a national registry of bone marrow donors to match up with Leukemia patients who need transplants. The duo claimed incredulously that the bill would add to the national debt, and that it involves abortion fetus research, which it does not.”

Boebert trumpets that she is pro-life, but she supports anti-vaxxers (in fact, she is against requiring any vaccine for work or schools, even healthcare workers) and has helped spread COVID through her restaurant, as The New York Times reported after her November victory:

Ms. Boebert, 33, is the owner of Shooters Grill in Rifle, Colo., and has gained attention in recent days for defying pandemic restrictions by keeping her restaurant open….

Ms. Boebert defied state orders against opening her restaurant until the Garfield County sheriff obtained a cease-and-desist order against her.

Add to that her support for packing heat, Boebert is a full-fledged anti-life apostle.

And that’s why Lauren Boebert is the BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite of the week.

So many Republicans, so little time.

The original “BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite of the Week” ran every week from 2003 - 2010. You can find “winners” from those years by clicking here.

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