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Trump Shatters His Own Record for Lying in 2019, With More Than 20 Lies Per Day

December 16, 2019

(Gage Skidmore)

By Emily Singer

American Independent

The list of lies Donald Trump had told since taking office now stands at 15,413, according to the Washington Post Fact Checker, averaging out at more than 32 false or misleading comments per day.

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In one of the most eye-popping statistics from the Fact Checker’s report, Trump more than doubled the number of whoppers he told in 2019 — an exponential increase that the Fact Checker attributes to Trump’s attempt to ward off impeachment.

At the end of 2018, Trump had made 7,688 false or misleading statements since the beginning of his presidency.

That number skyrocketed by another 7,725 — an average of around 21 to 22 lies per day, with 15 days left to go in the year — in 2019, as Trump lied about his July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelenskiy, whom Trump tried to force into investigating his political rival, leading 2020 Democratic candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden.

Trump consistently lied about his efforts to pressure Ukraine into investigating both Biden and the Democratic National Committee, including repeating his false claim that his call with Zelenskiy was “perfect” 80 times. The House, for its part, still plans this week to approve two articles of impeachment against Trump for his pressure campaign against Ukraine: one for abuse of power and a second for obstruction of justice.

“The president apparently believes he can weather an impeachment trial through sheer repetition of easily disproven falsehoods,” the Fact Checker wrote.

Republicans, for their part, are echoing Trump’s lies as they also try and defend him against impeachment.

Though polling varies, several major surveys have shown recently that public opinion on impeachment is currently against Trump.

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