"What I Really Want to Say to Donald Trump Is Two Words: It Begins With 'F' and Ends With 'You.'" Trump Eviscerated by Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot for Weaponizing Racism.

May 30, 2020

Mayor of Chicago Lori Lightfoot (Prachatal)

Mayor of Chicago Lori Lightfoot (Prachatal)

Aldous J Pennyfarthing

Daily Kos

After Donald Trump peeled back another layer of decaying orange face rind last night to reveal still more maggots underneath, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot apparently decided enough was enough.

In case you missed it, Trump tweeted this about the riots that have erupted in response to the killing of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin:

Twitter, in an unprecedented action, put a warning over the tweets: “This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules about glorifying violence. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain accessible.”

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Mayor Lightfoot was appalled and outraged, and she held a news briefing in which she said:

“We see the game he [Trump] is playing, and it’s so transparent, and he’s not very good at it….His goal is to polarize and destabilize local government and inflame racist urges….I will code what I really want to say to Donald Trump in two words: It begins With ‘F’ and ends with ‘You.’”

Thank you Mayor Lightfoot. No one could have said it better.

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