Judy Rohrer for BuzzFlash, Poem of Dissent: "it was a battering on live TV we were assaulted watching from our pandemic isolation....it was about conquest dominating no holds barred""
October 1, 2020
Proud Boys, “Stand Back, Stand By”, Pittsboro, North Carolina (Anthony Crider)
By Judy Rohrer
Believe (Trump) Survivors
it was
an assault in the guise of a debate
time to stop calling it a “debate”
speak truth
call violence, violence
it was
a battering on live TV
we were assaulted
watching from our pandemic
it’s the morning after
and we are descending
into doubt
No, we didn’t dream it
No, we aren’t exaggerating
Believe survivors.
it wasn’t “a circus”
there was no “clown”
we sat terrified, not entertained
it was
another call to arms
from the White House
to White Power
it wasn’t a contest
between candidates
(elections are for Losers)
there was nothing “presidential”
it was about conquest -
no holds barred
He announced
there will be no transfer of power
(peaceful or otherwise)
just listen, proud boys are crowing:
All Hail the Great Leader
it was
another battle cry
from the world’s most powerful man
for vigilante violence
His Call:
I’ll tell you what,
someone has to do something
about Antifa and the Left
The Response:
Standing by, Sir!
it was
another strategic fascist move
to cause chaos
foment fury
overthrow an election
we, the assaulted,
are supposed to be
scared, stunned, confused
give in and give up
descend further into
raise a White flag
we need to show up
name the violence
withdraw consent
assert “I Dissent”
can we
who believe in freedom
strengthen solidarity
raise our resistance
make A plan
(a B and a C)
believe in ourselves
Believe Survivors
Judy Rohrer
Sept. 30, 2020 9am
Judy Rohrer is a scholar-activist and director of Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies at Eastern Washington University. Her personal website is here: http://judyrohrer.mystrikingly.com
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