"From Desperate in Maine": Anti-Semitism, Too, Susan Collins? You're That Deep Into Trumpism?
August 12, 2020
Susan Collins (Fortune Live Media)
By Joan McCarter
How deep into the Republican cesspool has Susan Collins fallen? She’s parroting the anti-Semitic dogwhistles they so happily trade in these days. Yep, that great moderate Susan Collins went there. On a WSKW radio show last week, Collins whined about how she's been "grossly outspent and attacked" by "Chuck Schumer's PAC." She said Schumer "wants to be Majority Leader of the Senate more than he wants anything […]. He's motivated by power, and has poured more money into Maine that any State in the nation."
That was just the warm up, though. She went full-on anti-Semitic after that bit. "There's also all these left-wing, uh, hedge fund owners that are financing Super PACs and financing Sara's [Gideon] campaign, such as Donald Sussman and George Soros, and unfortunately if you say something long enough, uh, it starts to create doubt." Like if you invoke the name "Soros" often enough you bring all the MAGA/QAnon racist white supremacists flocking?
After that offensive, obnoxious, and dangerous roll, she got down to her regular pity party routine. All her previous opponents, she says, "ran honorable campaigns. They didn't lie about my record. They didn't attack my integrity. Unfortunately, that's not what we're seeing this time." And after all that, she tries to pull her "moderate" schtick again. "I am THE most bipartisan member of the Senate," she says. "I have been for the last seven years, and have worked very closely with members from both sides of the aisle because I'm a problem solver. I like to get things done." She left off the part about how she needs Mitch McConnell's permission to be bipartisan, that her vote with Democrats is only there when it doesn't matter.
There really can't be any question about Collins any more. She's down in the white supremacist, anti-Semitic mud with the rest of the Republicans.
Posted with permission