Banana Republic Creeping Fascism: Don Corleone Trump Hijacks Department of Justice to Help Out His Criminal Cronies and Punish Truth Tellers
February 12, 2020
A Napoleon Complex. He thinks that he’s an emperor, not a president of a government with three co-equal branches. (Gage Skidmore)
Already, much of the media is back into transcribing "false equivalencies" and trepidation about calling Trump a liar when over the past 24 hours Trump has assumed the role of a banana republic dictator. The man who would be Caesar has seized unitary powers and grievously asserted virtual control over the justice system.
Over the years, Trump has test marketed dictatorship, pushing it further along until we wouldn't know that we have evolved into a totalitarian government. Absent the Democrats shouting from the roof tops and unrelentingly calling out Trump and his Republican collaborators, we are the frog who hasn't realized he is being boiled until it is too late. The media also has to stop trying to capitalize on Trump's lies and on his role as ringmaster of "the spectacle" long enough to focus on his heinous corrosive preemption of the co-equal branches of government guaranteed in the Constitution.
Trump's recent hijacking of our justice system is just one of his transgressions in the last few news cycles. Trump has vilified the judge who is handling the Roger Stone case, withdrawn the appointment of a woman to the Treasury Department who had overseen the Stone case, tweeted Bill Barr congratulations for withdrawing the sentencing request for Stone, suggested to the Army that Lt. Colonel Vindman should be disciplined for telling the truth, called Robert Mueller a liar, and he's done all this and more in his most public medium: twitter. In essence, he is signaling that he is above the law with impunity -- and that appears to be the case. It's both a public consolation to his cronies in corruption that he is going to protect them while also serving as intimidation to those who would cross him.
Meanwhile, his lackeys in Congress are mounting post-impeachment investigations into the Bidens and Trump conspiracy theories, the same tactic as relentlessly carried out by the Benghazi brigade.
Like Louis the XIV, Trump is proclaiming "L’état, c’est moi." Trump has assumed, like Louis the XIV, the powers of the state and is smirking at the thought that the legislative branch or the courts (which Mitch McConnell has packed with GOP partisan hacks on the federal level) can do anything to rein in a merciless, vengeful, power-mad unitary executive.
And we haven’t even gotten to pardons for his enforcers.
Little will be salvaged unless Democrats, the media (generally a rather hopeless crew of transcribers and droolers over Trump's every tweet) and citizens of conscience pull the alarm.
Isn't it a revolt against such tyranny that precipitated the US Revolution?
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