Trump Claimed that El Paso Surgeons Loved Him So Much They Left Their Patients on Operating Room Tables to See Him: The Hospital Says That He Lied
August 23, 2019
Trump and Melania’s exploitation of baby whose parents were killed in the El Paso massacre the Racist-in-Chief incited was widely covered in the Spanish press. Translation from the Spanish: “Trump and Melania pose smiling with baby orphaned by shooting.” (Ruperto Miller)
The Washington Post has documented thousands of lies by Trump, more than 10,000 to be exact. Although the Post — like its timid paper of record cousin The New York Times — cannot summon the courage to call them lies. Instead, it refers to Trump’s obsessively mendacious statements as “false or misleading claims.”
BuzzFlash has long argued that when the corporate mainstream media cowers at calling Trump on the carpet for his lying, racism and unhinged behavior, it normalizes an abhorrent and reprehensible presidency.
It becomes a challenge for Trump to come up with more shocking lies and policies, but he manages to do so, and most of the time the mainstream media, particularly the White House Press corps, acts as if it has amnesia. It’s easy to be a con artist when you have such docile journalists reporting as if your every inane, ludicrous and appalling twitter is worthy of reporting on and amplifying.
But back to the irrepressible lying of Trump. Sometimes, it is left up to local media, — which is less awed by Trump’s swagger, showmanship and bravado — to expose just one of those thousands of unrelenting lies.
Such is the case of an El Paso hospital, The University Medical Center of El Paso, which followed up on a Trump claim that operating room physicians left their patients in the operating room to see him when he made his shameless trip to El Paso, in the aftermath of a shooting massacre that he incited. Trump — in full narcissistic El Caudillo fashion — stated, "the love for me — maybe as representative of the country — but for me, and my love for them, was unparalleled” about the surgeons who weren’t actually present.
As reported by El Paso ABC 7 KVIA television station, on August 22, “The hospital says Trump isn't telling the truth”:
The University Medical Center of El Paso on Thursday officially disputed a claim made by President Trump that doctors left the operating room in order to see him during his recent visit to the hospital.
UMC spokesman Ryan Mielke told ABC-7 that the president's account of his visit in that regard simply wasn't accurate.
"At no time did, or would, physicians or staff leave active operating rooms during the presidential visit. Our priority is always patient care," he said in an email to ABC-7.
The article on the web also repeated the fact that the eight shooting victims who were still recovering at the hospital refused to meet with Trump. That is why some released survivors were asked to come back, and some consented. However, the “money shot” was Trump and Melania unctuously and opportunistically posing with a baby whose parents had both been killed in the massacre. Trump, as seen above, gave an inappropriate thumbs up with a disingenuous grin.
Of course, the real story here is that the baby is only an orphan — its mother bravely died shielding the infant from the gunfire and its father was also shot dead — because Trump as president has weaponized white supremacist shooters..
That, of course, is the article that our national “papers of record” don’t dare to report— or if they do, it will be business as usual covering the Trump spectacle in one or two news cycles.. And if they do, it’s forgotten in a few tweets and Trump diversions, such as the ludicrous Greenland purchase tactic.