Donald Trump Jr. Is Riled Up by Lack of Bookstore Support for Fanciful and Self-Aggrandizing “Triggered”
December 2nd 2019
Donald Trump Jr. (Gage Skidmore)
By Aldous J Pennyfarthing (of the Daily Kos community)
Yes, Junior, it’s the usual B.S. — i.e., no one outside of the Republican National Committee wants to buy your book, and no one who can actually afford a plane ticket and/or a $9 bag of trail mix would be caught dead holding it.
So, yeah, whine some more, Little Lord Fauntleroy.
So what would you call someone who writes like a prairie chicken with four feet of rebar stuck in its head and who nevertheless thinks his “book” deserves a coveted slot in airport bookstores? Maybe … uh … “triggered”?
It’s the No. 1 book because Daddy told the RNC and the other Trump-cult satellites to buy it in bulk. Most people would rather be seen walking around the airport with a flamethrower and a crate full of hand grenades.
Full disclosure: I haven’t read it. But for some reason I’m guessing it’s not exactly Voltaire.
Posted with permission