Donald Trump, the Cheater-in-Chief
March 3rd 2020
Donald Trump - Caricature (DonkeyHotey)
By Leroy Khohl
“Integrity” has never been a word to describe Donald Trump. He has lived his entire life by cheating—everyone and everything he has been involved with--and he has carried this directly into his actions as President. If I had only one word to describe him, it would be despicable.
He cheated on his wives, numerous times.
He took out loans and cheated the banks by going bankrupt, no less than six times.
He has been involved in 3,500 lawsuits, largely because he hired contractors with a promise to pay for services, then walked away without paying.
He created Trump University, promising students it would give them beneficial skills--then failed to deliver, cheating them out of time and money and causing him to repay $25 million.
He established a non-profit foundation and then used the monies to pay for his personal needs, cheating the taxpayers.
He has used his office to help out his fellow criminals, including directing Bill Barr’s Justice Department to reduce Roger Stone’s sentence.
He has been cheating the office of the President: committing 3,000 acts in which he had a conflict of interest, including forcing government employees to pay for use of his properties and showing deference to countries where he has properties.
He has placed people in government positions, knowing they would do little, if anything, to further the objectives of their office.
He has hollowed out our government by stripping away critical operations and failing to replace people in critical functions.
He cheated in the election by taking assistance from Russia, a known enemy of the American people.
He committed obstruction of justice numerous times, attempting to cover up for his crimes while in office.
He has committed serious money laundering for Russian oligarchs.
He lies, 16,220 times and counting since his inauguration, which he uses to cover up for his crimes and to divide our country.
We have hired a man totally hollow of integrity. He must be removed in our forthcoming election and only then can we hold him accountable for his crimes by indicting him.