"Impeached Forever"? Forget About It. Trump Is Egregiously Corrupt Forever, Without a Leash.
February 18, 2020
In December 2019, Impeachment Protest in DC (Bill Herndon)
As much as Democrats and anti-Trumpsters console themselves that Trump will be “impeached forever,” Trump regards impeachment as a badge of honor, and is continuing to show with what disdain he regarded the process. His concerns as a mobster are only with bare-knuckled power and trampling over the co-equal branches of government, as he corrodes the US Department of Justice to save himself from his capos who could testify against him and seeks vengeance against his enemies.
No, there is no consolation that he is “impeached forever.” The way he looks at it is that he is unleashed to corrupt forever, and so far he is wildly succeeding.
BuzzFlash admired how Nancy Pelosi adroitly handled impeachment, when forced to proceed with the solemn process by the Ukrainian whistleblower, and applaud her ability to “own” Trump through standing him down by repeatedly calling out his intolerable behavior, including that he is an impostor who has childish temper tantrums. Of course, not to be forgotten, is that Pelosi reminds us how, with Trump, all roads lead to Putin.
BuzzFlash also strongly supported Pelosi for shredding her copy of the State of the Union address. It was a brilliant co-opting of the news cycles surrounding the duplicitous variety show of the State of the Union. Pelosi beat Trump at his game of distraction, diversion and a dramatic real-time representation that Trump’s SOTU should have been shredded because it was filled with nothing more than a reality-TV dramatization of lies.
However, in the post-impeachment era of Trump being unshackled to rampage through democracy, Pelosi is deluding herself and those who want a restoration of democracy to declare, as she did, to a CNN anchor on February 15:
“You can’t have an acquittal unless you have a trial, and you can’t have a trial unless you have witnesses and documents — so he can say he’s acquitted, and the headlines can say ‘acquitted,’ but he’s impeached forever: branded with that, and not vindicated,” Pelosi argued.
As the Huffington Post caustically headlined Trump’s seven Tuesday pardons on its front page, “Trump Pardons the Swamp.” His cast of corrupt characters are guilty of a particular type of corruption, the type that he engages in himself. He doesn’t regard these disgraced felons as guilty because he does not consider his own similar behavior as corrupt; to him, it’s “perfect.”
Among those pardoned were former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, who was convicted of trying to sell Barack Obama’s Senate seat when he became president and shaking down a children’s hospital. He also pardoned Bernard Kerik, Rudy G’s New York police commissioner and partner in crime, who was convicted of felony tax fraud and lying to the government. These are crimes that strike a strong resemblance to Trump’s personal behavior
Trump is upending justice in which those who are corrupt are "unjustly" convicted. These are Trump's kind of criminals. He is one of them and believes that his kind of corruption should not be punished. Trump wants to let the corrupt go free and convict those who investigate and try their illegal behavior, including his own. This is Soviet style injustice. As long as Trump can ease into the powers of Stalin, his “impeachment forever” shows no signs of restraining “his corruption forever.”
Bill Barr and Trump pulled off a clever stunt the other day in which Barr essentially claimed that Trump was making his job “difficult” because he was publicly tweeting “line prosecution” interference requests that openly revealed what Barr was doing in perverting the course of justice.
In a January 26 article in Salon by Thom Hartmann, he details how four decades of Republican presidents relied on Barr for cover-ups of illegal actions if a Republican president needed to sweep illegal actions under the rug. While attorney general at the end of George Herbert Walker Bush’s presidency, Barr masterminded the pardoning of former Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinbeger and other Iran-Contra associates, which likely kept the elder Bush from ending up in jail after his presidency. In one fell swoop, Barr had swung a wrecking ball through Independent Counsel’s Bill Walsh’s case that just was just closing in on Bush, with Weinberger ready to testify that George HW was neck deep in the Iran-Contra affair. But Barr got Bush off the hook by convincing him to grant pardons, and Walsh was left without his star witness.
It is with that illustrative context that one understands, as Hartmann points out, that Lev Parnas claimed that Trump became weaponized to mete out injustice with the appointment of William Barr, for the second time, as attorney general.
No, Madame Speaker, Trump regards impeachment like an annoying fly that he swats on his Big Mac. Actual history is of no importance to Trump. He is too busy creating his own alternative historical narrative, escaping “rats” flipping on him, and wreaking vengeance to be bothered with the nettlesome impeachment “hoax.”
Right now, he knows and we know that he is unleashed and unrestrained. Impeachment has come and gone, and he still is dismantling democracy and glorifying corruption. To further advance BuzzFlash’s point, Trump just declared himself the top law enforcement officer in the US.
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