Ilene Proctor for BuzzFlash: Donald J. Trump Is an Imbecile Who Tested Positive for Intellectual Toxicity and Malignant Narcissism. He Must Be Quarantined.
When will America accept that the “emperor wears no clothes,” except maybe a dunce cap? (Gage Skidmore)
October 20, 2021
By Ilene Proctor
The trouble that’s afflicting this nation now is not the fact that Trump is droolingly stupid, but that his stupidity is highly contagious. We now have a nation infected with stupidity.
The infection rate is staggering. Stupidity and self-inflicted ignorance has poisoned the minds of so many of our fellow citizens that they even ridicule objective reality? The fact is black is still black, white is still white, no matter how you look at it. To those who say be polite to those sickened with stupidity I say hogwash. You need to charge these anti-vaxxers as accomplices to murder. When they accuse doctors of being murderers, (they do) there should be no free hospital care. When they snatch a mask off a child’s face, charge them with child abuse. Imprison them all. The rest of us should not be victims of their stupidity.
Our elected representatives in the U.S. Senate, which laughably calls itself “the world’s greatest deliberative body,” agreed not to wreck our economy and trigger a global recession — at least for a few weeks. Republicans had refused to raise the federal debt ceiling, or even to let Democrats do so quickly by simple majority vote. They relented only after Biden brought in corporate bigwigs to settle the matter and tell their Senate slaves to settle up and not destroy an international financial system based on the U.S. dollar in order to score cheap GOP talking points. So for now the script has been passed down until December.
South Carolina’s worst, The Trumpified Lindsey Graham has become even more of a Graham cracker. At his recent Saturday rally he spurted: “I didn’t tell you to get it; you ought to think about it” — and then defended his own decision to get vaccinated. But still the crowd shouted him down. In the age of Covid, ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance kills. Seriously,
Covid-19 is a highly infectious disease that has killed more than 713,000 Americans over the past 20 months.
Covid-19 is a non-partisan killer. In the tribal-political sense, the safe and highly effective vaccines are a bipartisan miracle, developed under the Republican Trump administration and largely distributed under the Democratic Biden administration.
It boggles the mind why would people not protect their own health and save their own lives? How is this anything but just plain stupid? And stupidity is the contagious parent of infected conspiracy theories.
There’s truth and neo-consequences to the dribble that conservatives in state legislatures across the country are pushing legislation to halt the teaching of “critical race theory” in public schools. What’s being taught instead — and squelched — is a whitewashing of American history, which happens to include slavery, Jim Crow repression and structural racism.
The reason why Germany today is even more democratic than America is because it teaches German history, including the horrific origins of both the first and second word wars, both ending in global catastrophe. George Santayana said it best: “If you don’t remember the past, you are doomed to repeat it!”
I get it. The GOP has become the party of white racial grievance, and this battle against an imaginary enemy stirs the base. But the whole charade involves Republican officials — many of them educated at the nation’s top schools — betting that their constituents are too dumb to know they’re being lied to. So far, the bet is paying off.
May the “stolen election” farce, be with them. Follow stupidity and you get the Charlottesville Rally and the tragedy of Jan. 6. Every recount, every court case (60 in all), every verifiable fact proves that Joe Biden fairly defeated Donald Trump. Yet, still a sizable portion of the American electorate is deaf, dumb, blind and educationally disabled.
How else can one logically explain or even justify how a nation can follow a bleached-brilloed hair buffoon who has the vocabulary of a kindergarten dropout and knows as much American history as a visitor from Mars.
How dumb can a nation get and still survive? We will find out in 2022 and 2024.
Blessed are the vaccinated!
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