Ilene Proctor: Media Should Be Asking Trump, "Why Are You Such a Stable Ignoramous?"
December 30, 2020
Don’t believe him. He is one. (H. Michael Karshis)
By Ilene Proctor
But is it satire when it’s true?
I believe I owe the past a present of apology because for years I ranted and raved that they were the worst in American history. But mea culpa, I wish to make amends by flatly declaring that these past four years have been one long, scary shit storm.
If you yank off the rose-colored glasses and stop looking at the solar eclipse like you were just glancing at another moon over Miami, you should be able to clearly plow through the manure of Trump’s mind and realize while Trump talks loudly, he really carries a tiny weensy reality star shtick that’s straight out of the Twilight Zone. To everyone but the low IQAnon lemmings, who worship at the pig troth of Trump’s feeble brain who day by day, hour by hour, second by second fabricates almost everything, turning all of their brains into morasses of moral mush.
An oxymoron for morons only Trump continues to provide his unique leadership qualities to all the crises and chaos he himself causes by repeatedly reminding us he knows an incredible amount about everything , including the military and viruses and everything else that matters — more than most generals, admirals, military brass, doctors, lawyers, Indian chiefs and is frankly doing a “very greatly terrific job.”
All the while, the White House press corps, seeking as always to be objective, asks the president persistently “Why are you such a stable ignoramus?”
Meanwhile Covid-19 cases are rising alarmingly. Trump, apparently decided that the best way to deal with the pandemic, as chief executive, is to tweet it out of existence, and to focus his best efforts on getting re-elected because that’s in the best interest of himself, his family and friends.
In other legal developments, Trump pardons Susan B. Anthony, calling her, in impromptu remarks delivered as aides hustled reporters away, “a terrific person who I look forward to inviting to the White House.” Maybe even entertaining her on the same day he honors Frederick Douglas, a person he modestly enjoyed mentoring and believes is still alive.
Panicked kicked in when the New York Times, in a politically devastating career-ending bombshell report, revealed that an analysis of Trump’s tax records shows that pretty much his only major success, as a businessman, has been playing the part of a successful businessman on a TV show. Coming on the heels of two politically devastating bombshell reports earlier in the month — one alleging that Trump mocked the military, and one that he lied about the seriousness of the coronavirus — this brings to more than 500,000 the total number of times Trump has been devastated by bombshell media reports in his entire career.
To combat this tsunami of fakes news, the president forms a crack legal team headed by his favorite Trump chump Rudy Giuliani, who presides over what his prediction that future scholars will view as the single greatest event in the history of America.
In the history of you can’t make this stuff up, the event of the century was going to held at the posh “Four Seasons, Philadelphia.” Naturally, everyone assumed he meant the Four Seasons Hotel, but in fact crackhead Giuliani is not only, deaf, dumb and blind to reality placed the event-to-end-all-events with the announcement-to-end-all-announcements in the parking lot of a company called Four Seasons Total Landscaping, which is across the street from a cremation center and down the block from Fantasy Island Adult Bookstore. The certifiably insane and inane Sidney Powell crowned the occasion. Abandoning all facts, and let the truth be dammed, Giuliani declared Trump as the indisputable winner of the 2020 election.
To close 2020, Trump still pretending to be president decided the best way to uphold and protect the Constitution was to play Golf while he lit the match to burn down any semblance of love, faith and goodness in the country that he is supposed to represent, while shades of Marie Antoinette danced in the heads of more than 81,000,000 people who elected Joe Biden president.
Come on 2021. You can’t come soon enough.
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