Lauren Boebert Is So Dumb She’s Boosting the Hashtag #LaurenBoebert IsSoDumb
March 22, 2021
Insurrectionist Congresswoman Lauren Boebert (R-CO) promotes a twitter hashtag that labels her as “dumb.” For the neo-Confederate Republicans, it’s all about building the brand. (Gage Skidmore)
By Aldous J Pennyfarthing
I’m not sure how Twitter’s trending topics actually become trending topics, but I can only assume that if, say, someone started the hashtag #AldousJPennyfarthingIsANoxiousShiteCrumpet, taking to Twitter to refute that notion while appropriating that same hashtag would tend to, I don’t know, amplify the message?
Just a thought.
So when I saw that #LaurenBoebertIsSoDumb was trending on Twitter, I figured, well, lots of progressives will weigh in, we’ll have our fun for a day or two, and that will be that.
But, ironically, Boebert has brought a spongecake to a gunfight, and she didn’t even have sense enough to remove it from her head first.
For the nontweeters: “Seeing #LaurenBoebertIsSoDumb trend at number one just proves what I’ve been saying all week.The Left hates women & I’m their top target.As the 2022 cycle heats up, I need your support more than ever. Everyday is a full-scale attack on me! Chip in now!”
The left hates women? No, the left hates women who support (alleged) rapists, misogynists, and extralegal coup inciters. On the other hand, we celebrate women who don’t tweet out Nancy Pelosi’s location during a violent insurrection.
Also, do you really want to use that hashtag, Lauren? Really?
Then again, maybe it doesn’t matter, since that sentiment was well represented elsewhere: