"Lindsey Graham Is a Values Voter. Except, He Doesn't Have Any.": In 2018, He Vowed No Supreme Court Nominees Would Be Voted on in Election Year.

September 19, 2020


It’s a perennial challenge to pick the most brazen Republican hypocrite on any given day. (BuzzFlash used to have a website that “honored the GOP Hypocrite of the Week.”) Lying and being hypocrites is baked into their DNA. Governing with ruthlessness and duplicity, they have no shame.

Besides Trump and McConnell, there are some notable hypocrisy standouts and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) never disappoints. He went from denouncing Trump in the 2016 Republican primaries to kissing Trump’s cheek butts in 2020. In 2016, he called out Trump as “a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot.” He even criticized Trump’s ability to lead the military. “I don’t think he has a clue on anything,” Graham said, as he charged Trump with putting the lives of US soldiers and diplomats at risk. See a clip Graham made during in the 2016 GOP nomination battle below.

Without taking time to mourn RBG, an American patriot and upholder of justice, Trump, McConnell and Graham are rushing to install a partisan GOP Federalist Society hack to create a 6-3 conservative majority on the Supreme Court.

However, Graham, who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, denounced filling a Supreme Court Seat in 2018 (as you can view in the tweet at the top of this page) in an election year. “I want you to use my words against me,” Graham said of his vow not to confirm a nominee in the last year of a presidential nomination.

Duly noted, Lindsey. Your hypocrisy is profoundly appalling.