Tone Deaf and Opportunistic: Melania Trump Greeted by Protesters in Visit to Boston Hospital to See "Cuddling" Program. Who Is Cuddling the Children Separated From Their Parents by Her Husband?
November 7th 2019
Boston Medical Center (Cmcnicoll)
By durrati (of the Daily Kos community)
Melania Trump traveled to the Boston Medical Hospital yesterday to seek a warm and fuzzy photo-op with children in its care who were born addicted to drugs, a worthy enough project where one might expected to be greeted warmly, if one is oblivious to the fact that just a couple of months ago hubby tried to end the care there of some of it's most loved patients by kicking them out of the country — effectively stopping their treatment.
While some of the Hospital’s senior administrators and Lauren Baker, wife of Massachusetts’ Republican Governor Charlie Baker, met Melania with a welcome mat, some 250 of the folks who actually interact with the refugee children were less than thrilled with her visit.
“First lady Melania Trump was faced with a rare protest during her visit late afternoon Wednesday to the Boston Medical Center (BMC), as hospital employees stood in silence but mocked her with signs including one that read, "We Care Do U?"
Trump visited the medical center to support treatment for babies born with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome as part of her Be Best initiative aimed at helping children, but about 250 employees planned to protest her visit.
A video by Boston 25 News reporter Scott McDonnell showed a sizable crowd of people standing outside the facility not shouting, but making statements with signs they were holding. One read, "We care do u?" a play on Trump's infamous "I Really Don't Care Do U?" jacket she wore while visiting migrant children at the Texas-Mexico border in summer 2018.”
“A couple of protesters went as far as wearing white medical-looking jackets with, "We Really Do Care Do U?" written on the back.”
Pro tip to Melanie and her handlers:
Before travelling to a location to use sick kids to bolster your sh**heel husband’s re-election campaign, you might check to see if his policies have tried to kill anyone the folks there really care about.
Just sayin’.
Posted with permission