"Don't Cuddle This Pillow": "My Pillow Guy" Mike Lindell Threatens People Will Go to Jail for Letting Biden Win in Georgia

December 6, 2020


Mike Lindell, the “My Pillow Guy” millionaire television ad celebrity and loyal member of the Trump clown posse was at Trump’s Valdosta, Georgia, grievance superspreader rally Saturday night, ostensibly held to boost two Republican senators in a January 5 runoff with Democrats Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff.

Lindell wasn’t clutching a pillow, but he did want to help bolster Trump’s destructive and baseless claims that Georgia was stolen from him due to its Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and GOP Governor Brian Kemp (former Trump’s BFF, now on Trump’s enemy list) not engaging, in essence, in sufficient voter suppression. That’s quite a claim, because although Raffensperger and Kemp appear to be heroes for upholding the rule of law, they actually are both stalwart purgers of over a million votes between them (Kemp was secretary of state while he was running for governor and stole the election, ironically, from Stacey Abrams through voter suppression of people of color).

It’s a testament to how degraded and ignoble the Republican Party has become as it transitioned into the Trump Party that Kemp and Raffensperger could appear as having courage merely because they have upheld the law.

Lindell, after a restful evening with his head on one of his fluffy pillows, however, curried favor with Trump by implying that Kemp and Raffensperger should go to jail for following the law.

As an article in HuffPost reported:

A particularly unhinged rant from President Donald Trump disciple and campaign adviser “MyPillow Guy” Mike Lindell made the rounds on Twitter Saturday night. Lindell insisted people will “go to prison” because Georgia voters picked Joe Biden.

“How do you not put people in prison?” Lindell asked in an interview at Trump’s Georgia rally Saturday night. “They will be going to prison,” he added, referring to the Georgia results giving a victory to Biden.

Lindell, known for his starring roles in MyPillow ads for the company he founded, laid out his — and Trump’s — plan to snatch the Georgia election from voters. It’s the same basic plan the president rolled out in a phone call to Republican Gov. Brian Kemp earlier Saturday. (Kemp explained to the president that he doesn’t have the power to overturn an election in a democracy.)

Then they would grab the entire election.

Basically, Lindell was advocating sedition by having Republican legislatures in states Biden won send Trump electors to the electoral college voting meeting on December 14. This is not going to happen, although Trump will continue to ratchet up his chaos, as he did yesterday in calling Kemp to convene a special legislative session in Georgia to vote for Trump electors. Kemp, pointed out to Trump, that this wold be against the law.

Trump’s rageful attacks on his two loyalists in Georgia, who both say they voted for him and will vote for Loeffler and Perdue, is what the Republicans in Congress fear if they publicly recognize Biden and Harris as the winners of the election.

Indeed, a December 5 Morning Consult poll showed that while Brian Kemp’s approval rating was falling due to Trump’s attacks, Loeffler and Perdue,who called for Raffensperger to resign and have given full-throttle backing to Trump and his groundless election claims have “maintained or improved their standing with GOP voters.”

Trump has, over four years, turned his base into pathological lemmings.

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