New Poll Shows Trump Losing to Top Democrats in Deep South Georgia, Which He Won by 5 Points in 2016. Could Turn Blue if They Don't Purge Dem Voters Again.
November 14th 2019
State Flag of Georgia (Wikimedia)
By Dan Desai Martin
If the 2020 election were held today, Georgia voters would send any of five top Democratic candidates to the White House rather than Donald Trump, according to a new Atlanta Journal-Constitution poll released Wednesday.
The poll shows Georgia voters souring on Trump, with his approval rating underwater. Only 44% of Georgia voters approve of Trump’s job, while a majority — 54% — disapprove. Being 10 points underwater is a big change from 2016, when Trump carried Georgia’s 13 electoral college votes by a 5-point margin.
In head-to-head matchups, Trump trails each of the Democratic candidates who are currently leading in national polls to be the party’s nominee:
Former Vice President Joe Biden leads Trump by a 51-43 margin;
Senator Bernie Sanders leads 48-44;
Senator Elizabeth Warren leads 47-44;
Mayor Pete Buttigieg leads 46-43; and
Senator Kamala Harris leads 45-44.
The poll in Georgia mirrors national polls, which show Trump trailing all likely Democratic opponents in 2020.
While Trump retains relatively robust support from Republicans, numbers are dragged down by independents. In fact, Trump trails each of those five candidates among independents, with both Biden and Buttigieg leading among independents by almost 10 points. Sanders, Warren, and Harris lead with independents by 4, 2, and 3 points, respectively.
In addition to being a battleground state in the presidential contest, Georgia voters will participate in two Senate races. Republican Sen. David Perdue is up for reelection, and Republican Sen. Johnny Isakson is resigning at the end of 2019.
The same AJC poll shows Perdue on shaky ground, as only 35% of Georgia voters said they would vote for him and 62% of voters said they would either vote for an unnamed Democratic opponent or would wait to see who the Democratic candidate is before deciding.
Further complicating matters for Trump and Republicans, a majority of Georgia voters approve of the House impeachment inquiry. Nearly 54% approve of the inquiry, while 44% oppose it.
The House is investigating allegations Trump used extortion to pressure Ukraine into opening an investigation into both former Vice President Joe Biden as well as a debunked conspiracy theory involving the Democratic National Committee. In addition to an alleged abuse of power, it is illegal to solicit or accept election assistance from foreign nationals.
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