Not So Fast Roger!: Judge Berman Demands Copy of Trump Commutation
July 14th 2020
Roger Stone (Victoria Pickering)
By DoctorWho (of the Daily Kos community)
Well, well, well. The axiom remains: always give any Trump news 24 to 48 hours to play out cause these people lie like you and I breathe oxygen, the media will run anything that drives clicks, and social media is their fuel for reporting instead of actual investigation.
Turns out Judge Amy Berman Jackson needs a little more than a twitter post to prove that Roger Stone meets the criteria for commutation:
U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson ordered that the parties provide her by Tuesday with a copy of the executive order that commuted Stone’s sentence.
Yeah but Twitter told me CheetoJesus said Roger was free and even posted a letter so it *has* to be true!
She also asked for clarity about the scope of the clemency, including whether it covers just his prison sentence or also the two-year period of supervised release that was part of his sentence.
Uh-oh, sounds like not only does Rog need to show his papers, but Berman knows enough about his situation to hint at a commutation not being enough to solve his problems. Guess just waving a magic wand and saying ‘commutation’ doesn’t fly in the judicial branch. Maybe next time try Expelliarmus?
If we apply the Trump Demention Projectory Inversion Theorem where the bigger the gloat, the bigger the delusion then…
You might be in trouble Rog.
Posted with permission