On the 5th Day of Impeachment .... We Got Badass Dr. Fiona Hill
November 22nd 2019
Fiona Hill (Kuhlmann/MSC)
By AKALib (of the Daily Kos community)
It was a doozy of a 5th day of the Impeachment hearings. Dr. Fiona Hill came in like a tornado and wiped the smirks off the faces of Nunes, Jordan and every other republican in the committee; many of them could be seen ducking for cover. Dr. Hill unleashed a barrage of fact-filled, well-prepared testimony with her eidetic knowledge of how the world and America works and of all the criminal activity that transpired around her. (Thanks jfromga for the eidetic word).
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You wanted “Pizzazz” — you got it. Piping hot with jalapeno topping.
trump world was in disarray, still putting up that laughable defense that if the defendant claims a crime he did not commit, then you must acquit. The twitterworld was going crazy all day with informative, clever and humorous tweets; you can find hundreds in the diaries that have graced the front pages here all day.
Here we present a few selected tweets from notable personalities that are full of admiration and respect for Dr. Hill. I have never seen such an outpouring of glowing tributes for anyone let alone a government “bureaucrat”. Let’s revel in these glowing tweets.
First a quick look at the segment with the now-famous lines -
And this line. The right is going to go apoplectic over this.
The rats were running scared. And hurt.
You know the answer, Susan.
And now some glowing tributes —
Some saw lasers in her eyes -
Let’s keep the pressure up on republicans. They have shown time and again that they value party over country, Putin over Americans. They must all pay the price in 2020.
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