Ouch! Fox News Reminds Kellyanne Conway That Trump Is a Serial Sexual Predator as She, of Course, Straight Our Lies

February 17th 2020

Kellyanne Conway (Gage Skidmore)

Kellyanne Conway (Gage Skidmore)

By News Corpse (of the Daily Kos community)

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Daily Kos

There are innumerable reasons to be disgusted by Donald Trump. He is an unapologetic racist who praised neo-Nazis as "very fine people.". He ripped babies from their parents arms and warehoused them in cages. He gushes affection for hostile foreign dictators. He maligns his critics as "enemies of America." And he lies with every breath he takes.

Those atrocities only scratch the surface of Trump's loathsome character (or lack thereof). But high on the list of his noxious behaviors has to be his abusive treatment of women. It's an appalling fact of the Era of Trump that a political figure can be charged with committing dozens of sexual assaults and not be punished or cast out of public life. A new book, "All the President's Women: Donald Trump and the Making of a Predator," documents 43 new allegations against Trump. But somehow Trump has gotten away with all of this as new scandals emerge every day to wipe the previous ones from the public's mind.

On Sunday morning, however, there was a reminder from an unexpected source. During an interview on Fox News Sunday, Trump's most prolific media shill, Kellyanne Conway, encountered an inconvenient question from host Chris Wallace. In an exchange that raised the issue of alleged sexual misconduct at Michael Bloomberg's company, Wallace challenged the hypocritical double standards from the Trump camp:

Wallace: Is it fair game for President Trump when he's made sexist comments too?

Conway: Oh please. First of all, I've been working by his side for four years. He's the best boss I've ever had.

Wallace: There are plenty of people who would say the same thing about Michael Bloomberg. Is this any worse than the "Access Hollywood" tape?

Conway: It's far worse. Oh my goodness, it's far worse. And by the way, that was fully litigated. That happened October seventh. He won a month later.

First of all, Conway is lying (surprise). The matter of Trump's confession that he assaulted women was never litigated. And, as Wallace pointed out, his election doesn't negate that it happened.

More to the point, Trump's remarks on the "Access Hollywood" recording are not merely "sexist comments." They are admissions from his own mouth that he committed criminal sexual assault. And he did so because he considered himself entitled to, as a celebrity. But Conway thinks that sexual harassment in the workplace is "far worse" than repeatedly physically attacking women, bragging about it, and feeling no inhibition about doing it again.

The American people must never forget that Donald Trump is a repugnant and unrepentant abuser of women. It should remain a campaign issue in 2020. If the careers of Harvey Weinstein, Roger Ailes, Matt Lauer, and so many others can be ended for this conduct, then why should Trump be exempt from any consequences. If anything, he should be be more accountable due to his prominent place in American society and culture.

Furthermore, Trump's sycophantic mouthpieces should be equally culpable when the appear on television defending his abhorrent behavior. Conway and the rest of Trump's apologists need to be tarred with the same brush. They are enabling Trump's vile activities and those of all who would follow his lead. They are all equally responsible for the harm done to innocent people. And they must be made to pay, politically, socially, and legally.

Posted with permission

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