Portland Maine Resident Takes Out Full Page Ad in Portland Press Herald To School Susan Collins

October 15h 2019

Susan Collins (Gage Skidmore)

Susan Collins (Gage Skidmore)

By Durrati (of the Daily Kos community)

Daily Kos

Portland, Maine resident Erik Mercer ran into his one of his Senators, Susan Collins, at the airport in D.C. and politely inquired if he could ask her a few questions - which she refused to answer forthrightly.

Big surprise.

It probably would have ended there but as they were boarding their flight, Erik overheard Collins tell another passenger that a constituent had just been rude to her.

So Erik pulled a boss move.

I am sure Sen. Collins finds the ad to be very….concerning.

And probably rude.

Thanks from all of us, Mr. Mercer!

Posted with permission