Steve Jonas: Star Trek, Star Wars, UFOs and the Future of the Earth. A Satire Tinged With Truth.

Unidentified Flying Objects are just that, objects in the sky that cannot be identified, and none have been proven to be other than that.  (maxime raynal)

Unidentified Flying Objects are just that, objects in the sky that cannot be identified, and none have been proven to be other than that. (maxime raynal)

July 1, 2021

By Steve Jonas, MD MPH

UFO's (Unidentified Flying Objects, now also referred to as UFA's, Unidentified Aerial Phenomenae) have once again become all the rage, after some decades of high level (if I may use that term) on and off interest on them. In fact, a comprehensive U.S. Federal government report on the various unexplained sightings that have occurred over many years is about to be released shortly. But I now have further information that I have received privately from a source that, at least up to now, must remain un-named. That is that two very influential U.S. personages in the field of what up to now has been called science fiction, have already received direct visitations from visitors from outer space.

One such visit occurred in 1966. It was made to the creator of the original Star Trek series, Gene Roddenberry. The visitors in that instance shared much information with Mr. Roddenberry. Of course, he was sworn to secrecy, on pain of (actually we don't know on pain of what) should he reveal the source. But the bulk of the summary of that adventure of Mr. Roddenberry's which I have been given permission to reveal in this column came from that visit. The bulk of this column is concerned with that visit. The other known visit was to George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, in 1977. We also know few of the details of that one, other than that it was much shorter. In the course of it, a being was revealed to Mr. Lucas which became the inspiration for his character, the "droid" C-3PO. That is the one with the ability (beyond imagination) to be a translator of languages spoken throughout space. In fact, it was a version of C-3PO which enabled the space-visitors of which I speak to converse with both Mr. Roddenberry and Mr. Lucas. Indeed, the translator-robot which accompanied the visitors on their trips looks much like the one that appears in the "Star Wars" movie series.

But let's start back in 1966. The wide-ranging visitors, which from here on shall be referred to as the Visitors, seeking a highly creative mind among the Earthlings, had somehow been able to get in touch with Mr. Roddenberry. He arranged to meet them on the highly secretive, but much discussed, "Area 51" in Nevada. (Yes, the suspicions of many that meetings with space-visitors do take place there have proven to be correct.) The Visitors shared with Mr. Roddenberry many of the important details of their space travels (which I in turn shall shortly share with you). In fact, what they shared with him a) provided the basis for the whole of the original Star Trek series, and b) thus, much of the text of the rest of this column. (Mr. Roddenberry left us in 1991, and thus could not comment on the following narrative.)

As for the visit with Mr. Lucas, who is still very much alive, as of yet very little is known about what transpired in it, and how much of the inspiration for the "Star Wars" series came from it. But for sure, we do know that a C-3PO translator/interpreter-type robot was on the Visitors' ship, and did indeed enable them to converse with Mr. Lucas, just as it did enable the Visitors to converse with Mr. Roddenberry when they met with him back in 1966. And it is certainly from that being which the Mr. Lucas got the inspiration for the C-3PO of the Star Wars movies. And so, on to the Roddenberry story.

I must say, that story is a quite remarkable one. On the one hand, as noted, it gave Mr. Roddenberry the inspiration for the original "Star Trek" series. On the other hand, it revealed the quite real story of the Visitors he had encountered who arrived from a distant planet, what they were (and indeed still are) doing, and why they are doing it. In fact, operating under the guarantee of secrecy which he had made to the Visitors, the basis of the "Star Trek" story was indeed very real. It goes something like this.

There indeed lots and lots of planets in the universe. (And when I say "lots," see those links for lots of zeros after a "1.") It is no surprise then that there are numerous planets that have the ability to support intelligent species, indeed on some having an intelligence that is way beyond the intelligence (or lack thereof) that our species has. Thus it should come as no surprise that sometime ago one of those super-intelligent species ("super-intelligent" compared to ourselves, that is) on one of those many planets which could support such life, set out to find out if there were other planets out there which also had intelligent species, and what they were like.

They were particularly interested in finding out if other intelligent species had the ability to survive on their planets for any significant period of time. And so the space-inventory, if you will, was undertaken, starting several hundred Earth-years ago, but several hundred "years" into the future as years are counted on the planet from which our Visitors came. (Since the universe is so vast, the inventory-takers knew that they would have to be able to travel the truly vast distances of space very quickly if their work were to be completed within any reasonable period of time. So, they invented a system that enabled them to travel numbers of times faster than the speed of light. But that is another story.) And so, they eventually arrived at what we call Earth, for the first time in our year 1966. What they found here, and the conclusions that they came to, I shall share with you at the end of this column.

But first, the major elements of their enterprise, as described to Mr. Roddenberry with the help of C-3PO. He found those features so fascinating that he simply transposed them to the story-line that he subsequently created. The name of their space ship (remember, as it was translated into English by C-3PO) was the Star Ship Enterprise. The leader was one Captain Kirk. And the identities of the major members of the crew, including that of one Spock who came from a planet that was a neighbor to the one that had sent out the expedition, were very similar to those that appeared in the original series. More importantly, so was the mission: "to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no one has gone before!" Which Mr. Rodenberry, substituting the word "man" for "one," adopted lock, stock and barrel for "Star Trek."

But here is where the real story departs from the fictional one. The fictional Enterprise of "Star Trek" was simply out looking for other civilizations, and then ventured into various encounters with other creatures, defense of a fictional "Federation," other random battles, and so on and so forth. The real Enterprise, as revealed to us through its real encounters with Earth, had an entirely different mission. The intelligent species that had sent out the real Enterprise Expedition thought that they had discovered the means for its indefinite survival, on its own planet. But to confirm that hypothesis, they wanted to determine if there were other planets in the universe on which intelligent species had developed, had survived indefinitely, and if so, what the means of that indefinite survival is.

Before they reached Earth, they had discovered many planets through the vastness of the universe on which an intelligent species of one sort or another had first appeared through evolution (which is a common denominator throughout the universe), and had survived indefinitely. But then there were those planets on which there had been intelligent species, which had them no longer. At first, it was not easy to figure out what were the keys to indefinite survival. But our space-explorers have a variety of historical, archeological, and other scientific tools which made it possible for them to do so, even if the intelligent species on a particular planet had vanished.

On all the planets they visited there was evidence of life beginning much as it had on Earth, progressing from one-celled animals to one or more intelligent species. And then, as the intelligent species began to spread over the surface of the particular planet on which it had developed, it turned out that there was one characteristic, just one, of those that distinguished between those intelligent species that survived indefinitely and those that did not. It was really very simple, but it is the discoveries made on Star Trek voyage of the Visitors that confirmed it.

The intelligent species that survived indefinitely were those whose members developed ways and means of working together over time, with their environment, and with the other species on their planet, to ensure that indefinite survival. First and foremost, the intelligent species that did not survive were those which, for one reason or another, became self-destructive, as species. That is, they engaged in intra-species, aggressive behaviors which, combined with the effects of those behaviors on the other species on the planet and on the natural resources of the planet themselves, eventually led to their own disappearance. As well, in each instance there was a general running down, of retrogression, of those species that had been left behind. That is, the Visitors found that on those planets where the intelligent species became self-destructive, that species also, for one reason or another, eventually destroyed or at last degraded many of the other species on the planet and gradually used up certain natural resources found on their planet without which their own survival was impossible.

As it happens, coincidentally, in the past I have described the self-destructiveness of the human species and have speculated on why that characteristic has occurred here on Earth. As well, I have described what I called the "suicidal process" by which our species will eventually destroy certain natural resources that are essential to our survival. But that is not my primary point here. It is rather what we can learn from the Visitors, if we choose to do so. That is, to repeat, in the Visitors' research, so far at least, on no planet on which an intelligent species, leading to the development of what we call "civilization," has evolved, which then becomes self-destructive, has that "civilization" or its equivalent, lasted for more than a few Earth-millennia.

And thus, so far indirectly, our Visitors have told us that rarely have they found a species that became self-destructive that then managed to recover, in order to survive indefinitely. They have not yet shared with us the secrets of how that survival might be achieved. Perhaps the increasing incidence of unexplained phenomena that are appearing in our heavens indicates that they are preparing to do so. And perhaps not. But hope does spring eternal, does it not? Perhaps the forthcoming Pentagon report on UFOs/UFAs will reveal some new information about possible visitors from what we call "Outer Space." Perhaps the real Visitors will indeed share those secrets of self-destructive-species-recovery with us. Or perhaps we shall discover them ourselves. I am told that the Visitors will be leaving behind a system of monitors that can reach them across the vastness of space and let them know if we do. We will know them as UFAs.

Steven Jonas, MD, MPH, MS is a Professor Emeritus of Preventive Medicine at StonyBrookMedicine (NY) and author/co-author/editor/co-editor of over 35 books.  In addition to his position on  as a “Trusted Author,” he is a contributor to Reader Supported News/Writing for Godot; and From The G-Man.  His own political website,, will eventually be an archive of the close to 1000 political columns he has published since 2004.  He is also a triathlete (36 seasons, 256 multi-sport races; not racing in the Year of the COVID-19 pandemic).

He has a blind-copy distribution list for his columns.  If you would like to be added to it, please send him an email at

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