Bill Berkowitz: "Still Dingbat Crazy After All These Years": Michele Bachmann Warns That "Transgender Black Marxists" Want to Overthrow US
September 12, 2020
Former Minnesota Republican Congresswoman, and still batshit crazy, Michele Bachmann (Gage Skidmore)
By Bill Berkowitz
“Transgender Black Marxists are seeking the overthrow of the United States… For people who know their Bible, this is exactly what the prophets told us.”
- – Michele Bachmann
While Michele Bachmann hasn’t been tainted by sexual scandals like fellow conservative evangelicals Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Bakker, Ted Haggard, and Jerry Falwell, Jr., she does have something in common with them; the proclivity for making mind-numbing and hateful comments.
Remember Michele Bachmann? She is the former Congresswoman from Minnesota, who made a brief run for the Republican Party’s nomination for president in 2012, failed miserably, and ultimately settled into a life of relative obscurity? What’s the best way to escape conservative evangelical obscurity? Appear on a conservative Christian television network and make a series of the bizarre, unhinged, and unsubstantiated statements!
While Bachmann doesn’t represent, or speak for, all conservative evangelical Christians, her remarks trashing transgender people, attacking Black Lives Matter, and sliming Joe Biden, while heaping unbounded love on Trump, is a reminder that a vast majority of conservative evangelicals continue to support Trump. In fact, last year she unabashedly stated that she’d never seen a more “godly” or “biblical” president than Donald Trump.
Bachmann has definitely earned a spot in the Evangelical Hall of Shame, right next to Jim Bakker, the hustling grifter who recently stated that Christian must vote their faith since the other side is “voting for their faith, and their faith is Satan worship.”
NBC News’ Sakshi Venkatraman and Brooke Sopelsa reported that during a lengthy interview with Greg Stephens and Tim Fox on “Victory Update,” a program on Kenneth Copeland’s The Victory Channel, Bachmann, “propagated various pieces of misinformation, including a skewed COVID-19 death toll and the assertion that George Floyd, who died in May in the custody of police, actually ‘killed himself with an overdose.‘"
According to Venkatraman and Sopelsa “Bachmann, who said she is a member of President Donald Trump's ‘faith advisory group’ (a group the White House told NBC News does not exist, even though it has been reported on extensively), shared her own protest story. ... During a recent visit to the White House, Bachmann said, the ‘Holy Spirit’ spoke to her just as protests were about to erupt on the streets of Washington.
"’We had our hands raised. We were worshipping the Lord on the South Lawn of the White House,’ she said. ‘Before too long, the mob started. ... All of a sudden, I sense the Holy Spirit just speaking to me. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, 'It's time to leave.'"
I guess she wasn’t invited by Trump to share his bunker.
According to LGBTQ Nation’s Bil Browning, Bachmann, “has long railed against the LGBTQ community, but now she’s kicking it up a notch – even for her.“
On Copeland's right-wing Christian network, Bachmann was all over the map, almost making QAnoners sound sane. “Just like Black Lives Matter, this is not a new movement either,” Bachmann said. “On their website, these are transgender Marxists, transgender Black Marxists who are seeking the overthrow the United States and the dissolution of the traditional family.”
“This is exactly what a Communist revolution looks like. They think they’re going to do it by electing Joe Biden,” she added.
“And then once Joe Biden is elected, they think that these Davos, Switzerland, meetings that go on, they think that what they’re going to do is have the US economy collapse, move to a digital currency globally, and then we move into a global-type government,” she continued.
“I mean, it’s bizarre, but this is their goal. For people who know their Bible, this is exactly what the prophets told us. So, we stand on the word of God, the Bible, and we say, ‘Satan, flee, we’re going to stand on the truth of God’.”
“And so that’s why now more than ever, between now and the election,” she concluded, “what we need to do is pray and cry out to Almighty God and ask for his protection over America and to speak in this election.”
Patheos’ Michael Stone recently pointed out that in the past, Bachmann has: “argued that immigrants should be indoctrinated into ‘America’s predominant Christian religion’; attributed the United States’ success to the Ten Commandments while claiming that U.S. lawmakers stand ‘under the authority’ of the ancient biblical figure Moses; claimed that gays promote child rape, and pedophilia; and claimed that God uses terrorist attacks to humiliate President Barack Obama.”
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