Posts tagged NRA
Thom Hartmann: When It Comes to Guns, the GOP Stands Atop an Ocean of Blood


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Steve Jonas for BuzzFlash: Since Most People Can't Make Guns, It Is Their Makers and Sellers Who Are the Ultimate Murderers


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Gun Control Advocates Beat Back Trump Gun Guys and Pass Gun Control Laws in Virginia, Capitol of Confederacy and Home of NRA


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Survivors Shame Joni "Hog Castrator" Ernst For Sticking With the NRA To Block the Violence Against Women Act


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The Trump Administration Hopes That America's Hunters and Fishermen Can Be Played for Fools


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NRA Investigation Widens as the New York Attorney General Delivers New Subpoena


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NewsMark KarlinNRAComment
Houston Police Chief Rips McConnell for Siding With NRA Over Abuse Victims


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Russian-Backed NRA Makes "Largest Contribution Ever" to Stop Possible Democratic Dominance in Virginia Legislature


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Why the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Needs to Disclose "Urgent" Alert to Congress Now: What the Law Says


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Abhorrent and Inciting: Republican Virginia State Sen. Amanda Chase Boasts She’s "Not Afraid to Shoot Down" Gun Control Groups


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I Want My Check for $200,000 From the NRA, Virginia State Sen. Amanda Chase (R-VA) Says She Is Owed the Dough for Blocking Gun Control Bills and Carrying a Gun in the Va. State Capitol


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Beto O'Rourke, Not the NRA, Is Now Setting the Terms of Debate About the Gun Violence Epidemic. (Reminder: BF Is Not Endorsing Any Candidate. We Are Vote Blue, No Matter Who.)


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San Francisco's Board of Supervisors Officially Labels NRA a "Domestic Terrorist Organization"


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Senior NRA Official Accused of Sexual Harassment


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Scandal-Plagued NRA Maintains Grip on State Politics

BuzzFlash/Facing South

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