Horrifying: Trump Rails That Biden Deserves “The Electric Chair.” Unfortunately, This Violent Vile Rhetoric Has Become Normalized by Trump.
September 24th 2019
Donald Trump - Caricature (DonkeyHotey)
By Joan McCarter
Donald Trump is losing it. Again. In a bilateral sitdown with Polish President Andrzej Duda, a sweating, red-faced Trump railed at the “fake media,” at Joe Biden and his son, and at the fake media again when asked about Ukraine and the intelligence whistleblower's allegations against him.
"Joe Biden and his son are corrupt," he spewed. "But the fake news doesn't want to report it because they're Democrats. If a Republican ever did what Joe Biden did, if a Republican ever said what Joe Biden said, they'd be getting the electric chair by right now." The electric chair. Maybe it's that prospect that's got him so worked up.
He ended by almost screaming at the press corps, "You're all crooked as hell." Then, barely taking a beat, he concluded with, "Okay thank you very much, I hope you enjoyed it."
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