Virginia Congregation Walks Out of Sunday Service in Protest of Racist Church Sign
July 24th 2019
By Eyesbright (of the Daily Kos Community)
This article just wouldn’t be complete without a screenshot of Pastor E. W. Lucas, and wife (ABC 13)
APPOMATTOX, Va (WSET) -- The congregation at a local church walked out of the service on Sunday, July 21.A sign at a local church has gone viral in connection to President Trump's comments to Congresswomen.
Pastor E.W. Lucas put up the sign "America: Love it or leave it" at Friendship Baptist Church in Appomattox.
… Lucas says during the Sunday school service, some members of his church led the congregation out of the service in a stance against him.
Here’s another old white man spreading hatred and division under the cloak of Christianity. I’ve read the Bible and know that there’s nothing in there that would support this.
On Sunday, the church was empty for its 11 o'clock service. Maybe some of its members have actually read their holy book.
A tip of the hat to Blue Dem Warriors
Posted with permission