Was Lindsey Graham Drunk on Fox Sunday Morning?
February 10th 2020
Lindsey Graham (Gage Skidmore)
By richmonds (of the Daily Kos community)
I am watching Lindsey Graham (pretty hard to take on a Sunday AM) and something strange hit me. The guy is drunk. Whenever the camera (and lights) focus on him he closes his left eye into a squint and jerks up his face to suggest that the bright lights of the set are killing him. His demeanor - including his one eye closing squint - is a caricature of a drunk. And if that is not bad enough, he excused his slow responses on the show by saying the hour was too early for him much to Chris Wallace's chagrin. Could he have been on a late night bender and have gotten little or no sleep, much of the booze still spiking his blood stream?
Equally important to his problems, one of his comments was good enough to lose the election for him should his opponents chose to use it in an ad. When they were talking about earmarks, Graham volunteered that he was part of the problem in Congress. (Wow). And, further, he wanted to be part of the solution. Someone might want to point out in an ad that replacing Graham would help in achieving a solution that would be better for America. Pretty striking, and he kept coming back to his poor performance in the rest of the interview (does he sense he is going down?). Alas, Kerry who was on with him tried to save it for him on the earmarks by pointing out he voted for two circa $1000.00 earmarks for senior centers that were wise. (Jeez Kerry, please don't). At the end of the segment, Graham leans over to Kerry and wraps his arms and body all over the Ma. Senator in gratetful thanks (really creapy, I mean REALLY creapy) particularly as Graham comes from the Jeff Gannon branch of the Republican party.
A couple more Sunday AM funnies. Tow Broken in the interview with Colorado Senate competitors Schmidt and Udall allows the Rethug doberman Schafer to attack Udall at great length often interrupting him in his attacks (my only hope is that it was so brutal and over the top that Udall gets some sympathy vote.
Also really strange (but not really), Tom Broken tried to move from this mess between Schmidt and Udall by asking the two to comment on Charlie Rangel and his rent controlled apartment. (WHAT?????!!!!). Rangel is black and from an urban area in the east, what does this have to do with the Colorado Senate race other than introduce race into the Presidental elections in this area. Nice job Broken - what a tool.
Posted with permission