While His Brother Was Dying, Trump Went Golfing and Wore a Giant MAGA Billboard on His Head
August 17, 2020
By HalBrown (from the Daily Kos community)
By Hal Brown, Publisher of the modestly titled internationally read blog halbrown.org
A deep dive into hat analysis
The huge ostentatious lettering on Trump’s hat jumped out to me in the illustration for this story:
Read story: www.rawstory.com/…
The photo was republished from Trump’s golf partner and acolyte Jay Feely’s tweet.
Click above to see the full photo and all the replies to his tweet.
Initially the tweets in reply were all gushingly positive. They seemed to come from people who were fans of both Jay Feely and Donald Trump. However, once more people read the story about how Trump was playing golf while his brother who it is being reported was called “the nice Trump” and who Donald used to bully was dying (he is now dead) the tweets became decidedly negative:
I couldn't recall seeing this version of the MAGA hat before. I looked up “Trump wearing hat” on Google images and couldn’t find any.
I did more searching and found this one. It appears to be the same hat
This is similar but not identical to one available from the White House gift shop for the sale price of $9.99. The site says that it is imported but not where it is made. The hat Trump is wearing has a much larger American flag on the side and the front really does look like a billboard.
Suffice to say that Trump has found a hat with lettering that fits his ego.
Putting on my psychoanalysist hat, I might suggest that Trump has decided to “don” (pun intended) this hat because at some level he is becoming aware that he is going to lose and becoming desperately insecure. The hat positively screams out “look at me, I am great!” After all for for him, the words America and Trump are interchangeable.
A less in-depth interpretation may involve, at least in part, that this makes Trump appear to be by my crude calculation, to look 1 to 1 ½ inch taller.
An afterthought, not an original one I am certain, is that the actual MAGA message was originally meant to emphasize the word “again”. This meant to his most ardent supporters to return the country to their halcyon days when people of color knew their place and white people, no matter how stupid and ignorant, could feel superior.
There, how about that, I made it through this entire story without mentioning this word.
If you read what Stormy Daniels said in her book you'll understand the symbolism of the Super Mario Kart video game Toad. If not read this article.
Adapted by Hal Brown from DonkeyHotey caricature 2019
Posted with permission