Trump's White House Dash for Cash "Prayer Minister" Paula White Is in Violation of Hatch Act, Just Like Kellyanne Conway, Calling as Demonic and “the Enemy” Anyone Who Opposes Trump

November 7th 2019

Paula White holding a Bible (Kamau360)

Paula White holding a Bible (Kamau360)

By Galtisalie (of the Daily Kos community)

Daily Kos

Paula White is wasting no time in her new job as the president’s official blasphemous mouthpiece in the White House ( Listen to this:…

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She is calling as demonic and “the enemy” any who oppose President Trump. (See the Kellyanne Conway disparagement of Democratic presidential candidates example, which shows that this too is textbook Hatch Act violation, This is unbelievable, broadcast by and for the Dear Leader of our federal government.

Alongside fellow Christian leaders Cindy Jacobs, Dave Kabul and Dutch Sheets, White has launched the One Voice Prayer Movement, starting the initiative on Tuesday with a prayer for Trump. "Lord, we ask you to deliver our president from any snare, any setup of the enemy, according to Ephesians 6:12. Any persons [or] entities that are aligned against the president will be exposed and dealt with and overturned by the superior blood of Jesus," she said during her prayer in a conference call with other Christian leaders.


Add to the impeachment grounds: grossly abusing separation of church and state, and aiding and abetting violation of Hatch Act. 

Holy Sh*t! If any religion or sect other than so-called Evangelical Christianity did this, these same pompous assholes would be irate. But because they are Trump’s personal prayer warriors, they should get a pass, even when they are led by a government official? Take all of their tax exemptions away for pimping Trump. This crosses the line.


Posted with permission